Shardlow, The Crown Bend
This is the south bank of river between Cavendish Bridge and Shardlow.
Access is from the Car Park on Back Lane just round the corner from the Crown Inn (Cavendish Bridge) or on foot through the black metal gate which faces you as you turn the sharp corner just past the pub. This takes you into the garden of the Three Cranes House from where there is a stile into the field.
This section has something for every body whether it’s stick float or waggler fishing for roach and dace, or specimen chub, barbel, pike, or bream or even the odd carp.

At the top of the section above the car park there is a large slack at the back of Rat Island an area which is fishable when the is high, below which is a fast gravel bend the depth increases towards the fence end and for the next 200 yards before a fast gravel bend at the bottom of which is a well known barbel area.
Looking down the 1st field below the car parkThe next 400-500 yards to the corner are fairly steady offering pegs suitable for stick float or waggler fishing, one of the best weights ever caught came from opposite the houses on the corner 187lbs, all bream bar one common carp.

The river then bends sharply and runs along side the road on the far side, the next 200-300 yards are 3-4 feet deep and fairly fast, most of the depth being on the far side. At the end of this section is the upstream limit of the navigable river marked by a notice board. Below here the river deepens and slows providing good areas to target in flood conditions.

The last peg on the section is the aptly named Garden Peg a peg that has produced large chub, barbel, pike, carp and bream.